*DCF is NO LONGER accepting applications for General Livery Transportation
Service Definition and Reimbursement
- Aging Statement - SAMPLE
- DCF Discretionary Services Fee Schedule - General Livery
- DCF Discretionary Services Fee Schedule - School Transportation
- DCF Invoicing Requirements
- Region Specific Invoice Submission Guidelines
- Transportation Invoice (For General Livery Transportation as a Service)
- Transportation Rate Calculation Form
- Quick Reference Directory 2020
Credentialed Service: Transportation (School and General Livery)
- SOO Memo 1/31/2022
- EXEMPT FROM CREDENTIALING: Connecticut Transit Districts and School Transportation operated and provided oversight by School Districts
- Memorandum
- Letter to Provider EFFECTIVE Oct. 1, 2014
- Link to DMV
- DOT Statute
- Restricted Permit, Intrastate Government Livery Service Application
Application for Organizations
Provider Agreements for Services